Stock Code:
$621.00 Incl GST
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Fuelmaster – Super concentrated complete fuel treatment – for diesel or petrol engines – your solution to increase fuel economy and power, stabilise fuel, extend storage life, and help to eliminate diesel bug and water in fuel!

Looking for a product to clean up dirty fuel, or deal with diesel bug?  Fuelmaster – Complete Diesel Fuel Treatment – is a proven solution to managing fuel quality – designed to clean and care for the entire fuel system, from storage tanks through to combustion.  This is the fuel treatment which firstly improves the quality of your fuel, then maintains it sparkling clean, without voiding your engine warranty.  

Fuelmaster effectively treats diesel bug and such problems as…
– Bacteria/’black death’/fungus
– Smelly fuel
– Engines hard to start or ‘pinging’
– Excessive black exhaust smoke
– Fuel storage tank corrosion
– Blocked filters/blocked injectors
Fuelmaster acts on water in fuel and is a proven product which effects…
– Removal of diesel bug (cladosporium resinae)
– Reduction in harmful emissions
– Extension of fuel storage life
– Revival of ‘stale’ fuel
– Superior lubrication throughout the fuel system
– Can increase fuel economy* and power
– Extension of engine oil life
– Removes and prevents wax, gums, varnishes and sludge

1 litre of Fuelmaster treats 4,000 litres of fuel!
Fuelmaster stabilises diesel fuel and is…
– not a biocide; contains no metals or aromatic solvents
– Made in Australia, produced to ISO9001
Try Fuelmaster – it really works!

Download product information here

*Fuel economy is a variable factor, dependant upon the type and age of engine, also the nature of the work the engine is expected to perform (e.g longhaul, short irregular runs, etc).  Customers have testified to fuel economy between 2% and 15%, but each situation is unique, hence we make no claim to any arbitrary fuel saving percentage.  The average cost of Fuelmaster is less than 1.7 cents per litre treated at a standard ratio (bulk purchases less than 1 cent per litre treated).  Hence be achieving even a small increase in fuel economy, Fuelmaster becomes a saving, not a cost.

Increase fuel economy and power1L treats 4000L of fuelStabalises fuel and extends storage lifeHelps to eliminate diesel bug and water in fuel